Brand: Pepsi
Style: Crystal Pepsi
Origin: United States
Type: Soda
Flavor: Sugar with a side of sugar and some sugar on top
Verdict: Not approved :/
I was about ten years old when Crystal Pepsi was first introduced. I remember it very clearly (oooh, pun intended? I don't even know!): my mom and I were at Castleton Mall in Indianapolis, where I grew up, and in the center of the mall in front of Lazarus, they had a display set up. Each person was allowed to go up to a special vending machine, push the button, and receive one FREE can of Crystal Pepsi! It was so awesome! As you know, any time you get to push a button when you're a kid makes the experience, like, twenty times better than it already was.
I gleefully pushed my button and got to try Crystal Pepsi for the first time. I LOVED it! It was sweet and cool and crisp and delicious and I wanted more more more! My mom limited my amount of treats and had a weird vendetta against Pepsi though (Coca-Cola or die!), so I only got to have it a couple of times before it was discontinued. Sad times for wee me :(
Great times for adult me, though, because Crystal Pepsi came back!!! Or is it as good as I remembered...? Watch the video to see my review!
So...maybe it was better when I was a kid. However, much like the Swedish Fish Oreos, my sweets-loving sweetheart really loved it still! They were more than happy to drink the rest of my bottle. It's all yours, my love. Yuck!
Purchased at Fred Meyer, Portland, Oregon
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