Wednesday, March 16, 2016


You may or may not have noticed that I haven't posted since 2010.  The extremely sad reason behind this is that my health started declining significantly in 2010, and I found out that I was sensitive to gluten, sugar, potatoes, and soy :(  NO MORE SNACKS!!  :(

However, I've been working with many, many competent doctors to figure out why this came up all of a sudden, and I've gotten my health back to the point where I can eat some snacks sometimes!  I've been so sad to not be able to blog for so long, so it is with great, great joy and happiness that I say I'm BACK!

Please let me know what snacks you would like me to test...the only thing I have to 100% avoid is soy.  You can email me at if you would like to chat further about snacks! :)

I love you all, snackiefriends!!! <3

Also, there might be some videos in the works.......!

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